Actually, you don't have to imagine it — you just found it.

— Hey there, I'm Lacey

And I'm here to help you embrace your authentic self.

Because you deserve better than endless people-pleasing, making yourself smaller, and taking-care-of-everyone-else-besides-yourself patterns you've been conditioned to own.

Cheers to knowing, accepting, and embracing your true self!

Imagine a place where you don't ever have to dim your sparkle…


Who wants to work with a personality coach without knowing their personality?

No one fits neatly in a personality type box — and out-of-the-box is way more fun.- here are some out of the box facts that make me ME (like my love of swing dancing and tendency to cover things in glitter)

Sure, I could talk instead about my BA in Psychology, or my certifications in DISC, Driving Forces, and Enneagram, or my 3 years Leadership School...

But let's be real, if you're looking for a personality coach, you're looking for someone with personality — who genuinely cares and gives 200% behind each coaching session — and that’s not something you’ll learn about a person just by reading their credentials.

So, here's a little of what lights my fire as a coach…

I became a coach because I saw that too many women are conditioned to make themselves “smaller” — leaving them stifled in their personal and professional lives

your new personality driven life coach

You've been there, and I have, too. We’ve felt the pressure to conform to what everyone around you wants you to be. (And I think we can both agree that we never want to feel that way again!)

For so many women, that means making parts of themselves smaller to make the people around them more comfortable. It means ignoring your own wants and preferences in order to feel accepted in your environment.

This is so common, and you're held in such safety and compassion if this is you.

Now, I help women embrace their authentic selves so they can make fulfilling life choices and feel joyful in their personality while they do it

Consider this your permission to embrace every part of yourself.

And, yes, that includes the parts that make you cringe. Or the parts you wish were more like someone else. Or even the parts of yourself that you've been rejected for in the past.

Because true peace, happiness, and fulfillment happens when we stop fighting with ourselves, and start embracing who we are at our core.

That's my main mission as your coach (and guess what? Personality assessments are just one tool to help you.)

My DISC TYpe is:


My Driving Forces Are:

Instinctive, harmonious, commanding, intentional

My Enneagram is:

6 wing 7

My Disney Personality Twin:


What I am currently into

My Favorite Hobbies:

Dancing & Reading

Best way to spend the weekend:

At the lake (a true Minnesotan here!)

Hot take:

I think hikes that don’t end in waterfalls are pointless


It's all about the cookie dough

Regardless of your personality type, I can promise you're in good hands

To be honest, no degree in Psychology or coaching certification can guarantee a coach will show up the way you need them to (although, I've got those too!)

My power as a coach comes from tapping into my own natural strengths and intuition that enable me to adeptly serve my clients. My passion for watching my clients thrive is what fuels me! It is the most fulfilling thing in the world for me to watch them grow their inner confidence from being consistently encouraged and taught about themselves. 

With every session, we're positively rewiring the negative messages you've gotten about yourself. This path isn't always easy, but I can guarantee you'll be held in safety and be seen for who you truly are along the way.

now here's the tea:

My work situation has completely changed since meeting with Lacey. I discovered needing to rearrange my work calendar, delegate details that were drowning me to my other team members, and continue doing the things I love instead of just empowering others!"

- Cassy A.

"Lacey is the real deal! Coaching was SO worth it!

"Locavore scenester food truck microdosing cred meditation vegan. Scenester shoreditch forage viral swag four loko fingerstache jean shorts meggings master cleanse taxidermy lo-fi pabst slow-carb jianbing. Stumptown street art cred, iceland roof party. Heirloom next level tbh master cleanse neutra cornhole ramps knausgaard shabby chic.


Tilde brooklyn roof party scenester kale chips disrupt retro bicycle rights pinterest godard. Vaporware subway tile church-key literally whatever chillwave flannel, wolf af man braid woke forage. Meditation seitan enamel pin gastropub


Kind words

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I think it's time you embrace your true self for once

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Personality driven coaching that empowers women to embrace their authentic selves — so they can make fulfilling life choices, and feel joyful in their personality.

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